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The Astrology of the 2025 U.S. Inauguration Day

Writer's picture: Kaitlyn MauraKaitlyn Maura


The day is here: Monday, January 20th, 2025. It's Martin Luther King Day, and ironically, it's also the day that Donald Trump, a man who is arguably MLK's ideological opposite, is getting sworn into office. Has this ever, at any point in history, happened before? The 45th president becomes the 47th after losing his initial re-election.

I'm not watching the Inauguration. I'm just happy to have the day off and time to sleep in. That said, this article isn't about my opinions on Donald Trump nor yours or anybody else's. This article is only concerned with what the stars themselves have to say about the matter.

The United States' Inauguration Day always takes place on January 20th, the day the Sun exits Capricorn and enters the sign of Aquarius (give or take some twenty-four hours or so). Technically, even this year, the Sun entered Aquarius at 3:00 PM EST on the 19th, coinciding with the day of Donald Trump's victory rally, but still, the point remains that generally speaking, Inauguration Day always occurs around the same time as the Sun's ingress into the sign of the water-bearer. I find this very interesting, especially as we enter the Aquarian Age. The timing is surely no accident either. In the past, Inauguration Day took place on the astrologically arbitrary date of March 4th, but in 1933, the date was changed by then-second-term-president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, himself an Aquarius Sun.

The Sun's ingress into Aquarius is a fitting time to inaugurate a new president. As a fixed air sign ruled by the planet Saturn, the sign of Aquarius is very much associated with politics and the ideas that govern society and human affairs. It is often associated with ideals such as freedom & democracy, at least in theory, and it is actually the Moon Sign of the U.S.A's own natal chart (with a birth date of July 4th, 1776). The constellation of Aquarius is represented by a human being pouring out cleansing waters from a jar, a way of saying "out with the old and in with the new."

The Event Chart for Trump's Inauguration: 2025

While the Sun at zero degrees Aquarius in the Inauguration Day chart is certainly nothing new, it's conjunction to Pluto is much more significant. This conjunction, which will be exact tomorrow, January 21st, is a very powerful one. The Sun is like "The King" of our Solar System, the star all planets revolve around. It represents both royalty & leadership, as well as the ego & the light within. The dwarf planet Pluto, farther from the Sun than all the other planets, is named after the Roman god of the underworld, a symbol of darkness but intense power too, representing forces of creation & destruction alike.

Does the transiting Sun-Pluto conjunction strengthen & intensify the dark power, magnetism and control that Donald Trump seems to wield over, not just his followers, but the world at large? It does, sure, seem that way, doesn't it? Of course, this energy can also be interpreted as one that brings the darkness (signified by Pluto) into the light (represented by the Sun) i.e. dark secrets of the rich & powerful exposed for all to see. It's important to remember that this is the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanity, the sign of the people. Last time Pluto transited the sign of Aquarius, the French Revolution took place. Although it may like Donald Trump is on top of the world stage, this transit is reflective of the revolutionary energy at odds with such things. While on some level, it makes sense symbolically for the ingress of the Sun into Aquarius to coincide with U.S.A's Inauguration Day, it is important to remember that the Sun is actually in detriment here, preferring equality to imposing authority. On a similar note, while Mars is now Retrograde in the sign of Cancer, it is interesting to note that the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius is opposite in degree to Mars in Leo in the Election Day chart for the day Trump won. Could this reveal some deception at play, like the fact that it was all rigged in his favor? Could a major revelation like this trigger a mass revolution, or will it just empower his ego even further to become a cruel dictator?

Saturn, Aquarius's ruling planet, is in the sign of Pisces, conjunct Venus, ruler of the Ascendant in Taurus. Located in the 11th house of friends, supporters, community & social groups, this is certainly a harmonic influence. The planet of love & beauty is actually exalted in the sign of the fish, where it's higher expression of compassion, empathy, and unconditional love for all creation can be expressed most clearly. The ringed-planet is more associated with law & order, contracts & limits, etc. but together? In Pisces, a sign associated with cosmic consciousness & reverence for the divine? It's giving the vibe of like, a spiritual marriage. A permanent emotional bond is being created here, a sign echoed by the placement of the Moon, which I will soon get to. Does all this Pisces energy - Neptune & the North Node are conjunct there too - mean that the coming administration will put into place policies that benefit all beings, from a spirit of divine love? I would like to think so, but it is important to remember no sign is inherently "good" or "bad" and the slippery fish can be an illusive one, of confusion & deception. That said, it's also possible that this energy brings the people emotionally together, in spite of the administration rather than because of it.

The "people" in mundane astrology are often said to be represented by the Moon, the fastest "planet," changing signs every two days. It also represents the emotional undertones of this day's events. Today, the Moon is in Libra, a symbol of balance & harmony and also, justice & equality. Fittingly, the Moon's placement in the sign of the scales is harmonious with everything written above. For one, as an air sign, it trines (at least by sign) the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius, but also, it echoes everything written above about the Venus-Saturn conjunct in Pisces. This is because Libra is both the sign of Saturn's exaltation and the sign that Venus rules, hence Libra's association with marriage, relationships, and also, negotiations, deals & other social contracts. All of this should, at least in theory, point to a peaceful day and even, diplomacy between opposing parties.

BUUUT (yes, unfortunately there's a but) the Libra Moon is aspected by a square to both Mercury in Capricorn and Mars Retrograde in Cancer. With Mercury and Mars (Retrograde, too) opposing one another, this configuration is called a "t-square" and it is a very challenging one. Basically, the Moon's square to Mars Retrograde (in Cancer, the sign of it's fall) indicates hurt feelings and a LOT of anger, while Mercury's involvement shows difficulty communicating. This could be pent-up rage, the kind that lurks underneath the surface, while we try our best to (perhaps, passive-aggressively or through "malicious compliance") put on a happy face & appease our enemies, only to EXPLODE suddenly & viciously... perhaps, even with the wrong people and/or at the wrong time. So, while yes, while all that magical Pisces energy (especially when combined with the charm of a Libra Moon) might cast us under a spell, where everything seems all is well & good, it's important to stay on guard, so we won't be taken by too much surprise, lest everything turns out to not quite be the way it seems.

Trump's Transits?

All of that said about the day's general transits, I'm more interested in how they affect Donald Trump's chart personally. I, and many other astrologers, predicted his loss and evidently, we turned out to be wrong...but could there be something else at play?

I'm most interested in the fact that (given his age of 78 years) Donald Trump is in a 7th house profection year. This makes any transit that takes place within his 7th house (of relationships, marriage, contracts, partnerships & "others" more generally) most significant. As a Leo Rising, Donald Trump's natal 7th house falls into the sign of Aquarius, meaning that the Sun & Pluto are conjunct there. While the Sun-Pluto conjunction is significant on it's own, we now have confirmation to the personal significance that it entails for Trump personally.

There's more, if we look at his Solar Return chart. There, the Ascendant falls into the sign of Cancer (his natal 12th house) placing Capricorn in the 7th house & his natal 7th house of Aquarius in the 8th house of death & loss. When we acknowledge Saturn's rulership of the 7th house (whether it's his natal position of Aquarius or Capricorn in his Solar Return), the Saturn-Venus conjunction in Pisces becomes especially significant for him too. While it falls into the 9th house of the Solar Return (religion/philosophy & foreign travel), the Saturn-Venus conjunction takes place in the 8th house of his natal chart, once again, telling a similar story. While I make no predictions on this matter (especially since it's already 7 o'clock and has not happened, it's just inappropriate), it isn't too hard to imagine that this could be yet another assassination attempt or simply the burdens of his old age....or maybe he'll just find himself in debt, legally and/or financially. The 8th house rules "other people's money" as well.

Source: "Prometheus Bound" by Peter Paul Rubens
Source: "Prometheus Bound" by Peter Paul Rubens


It's about 10 PM now and I really hoped to be finished with this article sooner. I'm honestly not sure how things will pan out, because at the end of the day, energy is just energy but how we use it is up to us. Astrology helps to empower us by making us more aware of what that current energy is, hence why those in power (i.e. politicians & billionaires like the MAGA-Magician Trump himself) have used it for so long while portraying it as a silly pseudoscience that only stupid people take seriously. They want to keep the sacred knowledge secret & "occult" because our ignorance benefits them. The Inauguration Day's Sun-Pluto conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius reminds me a little bit of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods & giving it to humanity, and while I don't see that happening yet, I hope it does. I really don't know how this energy will pan out, but what I do know is that whichever way things go, the energy truly is intense, with things getting more extreme than any of us are likely to be used to.

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