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111 & all is one: How the North Node in Pisces Will Affect Your Life

Writer's picture: Kaitlyn MauraKaitlyn Maura
Source: Pin page
Source: Pin page

On Saturday, January 11th, 2025 (that's 1/11 for those of you into numerology) the North Node left the scorching hot fires of Aries for the watery depths of Pisces, where it will stay until July 27th 2026, while the South Node will exit Libra for the sign of Virgo. Here's what to expect.

What Exactly ARE the Nodes?

The nodes are mathematical points at which the orbit of the Moon intersects with the ecliptic. The North Node is where the Moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere while the South Node is where the Moon moves into the southern ecliptic hemisphere. They are always in opposite signs of the zodiac and always conjunct the Sun and Moon during an eclipse.

In modern western astrology, these points are believed to represent our karma and destiny. Specifically, the South Node is said to represent one's "karma" or perhaps better put, the things one is familiar with, while the North Node is believed to represent your "destiny" or in other words, where you are going. The Nodes are believed to be very spiritual points and a lot can be gleaned about a person's life path just from looking at these two points alone.

In Vedic (or Hindu) astrology, the North Node is known as Rahu and the South Node is known as Ketu, and while some of the meanings may seem to overlap, they are viewed very differently. Rahu, in Vedic astrology, is a point of focus, obsession and insatiable desire (where you are going). It is believed to be more malefic, however, and more materialistic (i.e. our fate here on earth, the material world). Ketu is thought of as a more spiritual point than in modern western astrology (which views it as something holding us back), representing liberation from earthly affairs, although it still carries an association with our past lives.

This article is written primarily through a modern western lens, on the topic of the nodes, since that's the interpretation I'm more familiar with, but I have personally come to see the nodes as neither "positive" nor "negative" necessarily. They just simply are.

Source: Pin page
Source: Pin page

North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo

Pisces is the sign of the fish, a mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of faith and philosophy. Additionally, Neptune is viewed as kind of a secondary ruler by many modern astrologers. Pisces is a spiritual sign, so empathetic that it essentially contains all of the other signs within itself, determined to dissolve the ego and merge entirely with the absolute.

With the North Node here, we might collectively be drawn to a higher calling of some sort. It may become important for us to be moving toward some kind of bigger purpose. If it wasn't already, spirituality may again become a key buzzword and it's possible that we will actually see some kind of mass spiritual awakening happen. Perhaps, of course, this is just the sort of "delulu" thinking that remains the "shadow side" of a North Node in Pisces transit; escapism (i.e. unwilling to see the negative for what it is and actually deal with it), illusion (& delusion, obviously) and a lack of logic or boundaries. However, looking at this transit from a more logical angle, while we may not actually experience a rapture or ascend to the 5D, this transit still indicates that a greater capacity for empathy may be awakened in the collective. The North Node's transit through Pisces could inspire us to open up our hearts, embrace kindness & compassion, and find the strength inherent in being soft.

Meanwhile, Virgo, the sign of the virgin, is a mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, planet of the logical mind and communication. It is the planet of words, you know, like, labels. Labels, like all words, are used to help us make sense of things, but they can also be kind of restrictive and limiting and that's where Mercury feels right at home in Virgo and not just Gemini. Virgo, being an earth sign, generally likes things clean and orderly. As a symbol of purity and perfection, the sign of Virgo is associated with the categorization of information into neat little boxes. This does have its place, of course, but what happens when things fall outside the box? What happens when there's no words that can properly describe how you feel? This is where language is both limiting and limited, and the boundless, more intuitive approach of Pisces energy is needed.

With the South Node in Virgo, the impulse to judge, to criticize, to label or merely just make sense of things, is actually quite strong. However, the North Node in Pisces indicates that things may not be what they seem and forcing ourselves to make sense of the nonsensical may just be its own delusion. Perhaps its time to let go of all this and just be.

In contrast to the North Node in Aries, which was all about the self, the North Node's transit through Pisces is more about the bigger picture. This bigger picture could even involve sacrificing or straight up neglecting ourselves for a larger cause, losing ourselves in the unknown... only to find ourselves again, in a much more real and meaningful way.

Source: found here
Source: found here

With the South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries since July 2023, we saw an increase in war and conflict across the globe. While Aries, ruled by Mars, is a sign of tension and division, Libra, ruled by Venus, is a sign often associated with justice and peace. Aside from the major wars between Russia & Ukraine, Israel & Palestine, etc., basic division both between & within nations escalated and increased, while harmony and connection seemed to decrease. How can we expect the nodal shift into Pisces & Virgo to affect us on the collective level?

I, too, am sick of all those empty words about "5D spiritual ascension" as if a mass awakening in consciousness was equivalent to a New Age rapture. That said, I truly do feel that the North Node's shift into Pisces will lead to an increase in spirituality among the global population, especially during the first few months with Saturn and Neptune sharing space inside the same sign. This does not mean that everyone will suddenly become enlightened like the Buddha, but if from the "enlightenment" period onward, the world saw a rapid trend toward secularism, then, the tides are turning (slowly but surely) back toward a more mystical worldview, with the current North Node transit continuing a trend already started with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This shift "back" to a more magical way of thinking may even, to some extent, be on by some of the more "bad" or "scary" transits... or at least the world events that they're associated with, given that every time I look at the news, it's like seeing a different chapter of the Book of Revelation play out each day.

However, I 1000% do not feel this is a shift backwards, toward the dogmatic, fearful & prejudiced, anti-science outlook that dominated culture, in some way or form, throughout much of the Piscean Age. The South Node in Virgo carries its own spiritual wisdom, and perhaps, the South Node's transit through Virgo is a reminder that the shift toward secularism (while flawed) definitely had its place. Of course, the over-emphasis of materialism and outright denial of spiritual truth is its own delusion, much more delusional than any of the myths such "enlightened people" like to mock simply because they're too dense to understand their real meaning. Such energy is reminiscent of Virgo's downside, but there's a positive side to it too. The rise of secularism has led to (or at least corresponded with) an emphasis on critical thinking, logic, and detailed scientific analysis. These are some of the the positive traits associated with the sign of Virgo. Critical thinking, logic and detailed scientific analysis are just a few of the lessons that the South Node in Virgo ensures we'll keep closely with us as we shift forward into the holistic, soulful, way of life associated with the North Node in Pisces.

In other words, I believe this transit will coincide with a sort of merging between science (represented by the Virgo South Node) and religion or spirituality (represented by the Pisces North Node). So far, mainstream scientists have focused primarily on the "reality" of the material world, physical properties that can be measured empirically. Both religious people, or even many spiritual-but-not-religious people, and scientific materialists will often agree (albeit for different reasons) that science has no place investigating the questions, concerns & themes more associated with religion. I believe that will change. I believe that not only will there be an increase in genuine scientific inquiry into more "metaphysical" topics but that such research (generally dismissed as "pseudoscience" or relegated to the very niche category of parapsychology) will be given more respect and/or visibility by the mainstream. Meanwhile, other more 'empirical' advances in the materialist sciences might actually wind up proving old spiritual teachings right, showing that everything is connected. In other words, this would put an end (or at least lessen) the relentless categorization and separation of all things into different boxes, different fields, jobs, specializations, ideologies, genres, styles, labels (becoming all the more micro & niche) etc. etc. associated with the South Node in Virgo, in favor of the holistic oneness represented by the North Node in Pisces. Why can't we all be polymaths again?

Of course, as I pointed out in previous articles, nodal transits aren't always so positive and it is possible that the surrendering of our individuality for the sake of "something greater" can lead us somewhere dangerous if we're not careful. From Zuck's Metaverse to Musk's brain chips, I've mentioned the potential rise of A.I. in articles about several other transits. Could the North Node in Pisces lead us to become "one" with the borg? Could it signify the reaching of singularity? Quite possibly! That's why it's important NOT to lose touch with the critical thinking faculties of the Virgo South Node. While I do favor a more optimistic interpretation (because we "speak our realities into existence" and all that), it's precisely these critical thinking faculties (and I'm a Libra Mercury) that make it important for me to look at the other, more darker, side of this transit too.

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Source: found here


On February 7th, 2025, the North Node will make a conjunction to Neptune at 28 degrees Pisces. Since Neptune is considered to be the "modern ruler" of Pisces, this basically makes the transiting North Node's Piscean qualities stand out even stronger (although, with that said, any "modern" ruling planet should be viewed as secondary to the sign's original ruler). It is the nature of the North Node to basically intensify whatever it touches and with the North Node conjunct Neptune, we may all be collectively hungry for a little escape from reality. Considering Neptune's associations with delusion, illusion, and the blurring of boundaries, it may be hard to believe what we hear or even what we see during this period. However, on the positive side, Neptune is a symbol of the collective consciousness, spirituality, the world of dreams and the experiences & art forms that unite us with all of humanity & possibly even beyond it. Basically, while the potential for deception may be high, on the flip side, the potential for spiritual awakening is too, particularly through the cultivation of the sort of kindness & empathy that helps us to acknowledge that the same divine spark that is within me is within you too.

Meanwhile, on April 21st, the North Node will join Saturn at 26 degrees of the sign. On one hand, this could inspire us to embrace a new path, a new practice, or a new routine. Saturn is a planet associated with discipline, and the North Node's conjunction to Saturn could help us by providing us with the discipline to achieve our dreams and to dedicate ourselves to our spiritual practices. On the other hand, the limitations & cruelty of the physical world may seem more intense and unbearable than ever. Try to focus on strengthening your spirit and "manifesting" the reality you want rather than let it get you down. In other words, keep up the faith.

Then in May, the Nodes will both square Jupiter in Gemini. It is worth noting that Jupiter rules the sign of Pisces, but detriment in Gemini. This could divide us into new extremes or we may go back and forth and struggle to find balance. It could indicate some philosophical confusion, perhaps, or on a more positive note, might it possibly help us to merge two seemingly "opposite" things together into one, Pisces-style?

Source: found here
Source: found here


To sum it up, the North Node in Pisces is all about letting go of our judgements, letting go of our worries & having faith, cultivating kindness & empathy, awakening to our true spiritual natures and embracing the oneness of the universe. With the South Node in Virgo, we're learning that, while discernment is important, perhaps we can loosen up some of our criticisms and our perfectionist tendencies. Basically, we're learning how to forgive, both others and ourselves, awakening to the reality of true unconditional love.

To learn more about how this transit might affect you personally, click here to schedule a reading with me. Those with placements (such as luminaries, angles, or personal planets) in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces) are generally the most likely to be affected. I would have loved to have written horoscopes for this article, as I have done for similar articles in the past, but I've been too busy and they feel too general anyway, like a newspaper horoscope. You're better off scheduling a reading with me directly and seeing how it affects your natal chart as an individual.

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